Support / Help / Panic !
Support / Help / Panic !
If you are having troubles using CCP, first check the FAQ section of this manual and on CCP web site (with more updated info).
We also have set up a forum at : CCP Forum
You can contact us at
To be sure that your problem will be solved as soon as possible, please provide the following info in the email :
-Device you are using
-iOs version you are running
-Platform on which server application is running (Windows 7, Windows 8 , 64/32 bits, OSX 10.9, etc)
-The problem you are experiencing.
Advanced debugging :
You can provide us more informations about your problems with CCP app by sending us a debug file, to do so :
-Launch CCP Application
-Enter “Edit Mode” and from the application settings panel activate the “Debug options” by activating the “Debug” switch
-Activate the “Log File” switch
-Exit edit mode and if possible trigger the situation causing the problem you are experiencing.
-If the application has crashed, launch it again.
-Reach back the debug options in the “Application settings” panel and “tap the “Submit” button next to the “Log file” switch.
-This will create an email with attached the log file , please add informations about the problem you are experiencing to it and send it to us.
We are committed to make of CCP the best possible software for controlling applications and games on PC / Mac, so all feedback, critics and suggestions are more than welcomed !