
48 posts

RC Plane 3 Mac version released

Very happy to write that RC Plane 3 Mac version is now available on the AppStore ! Log in with the same account you are using on the iOs version (if you have it) to have all your progress and options automatically sync between your devices. Enjoy the wide range […]

DroneGP 15 multiplayer alpha

We are realising what we are calling a “Multiplayer Alpha” of DroneGP 15 ,  this will help us test and improve our new multiplayer engine, while users will hopefully have a LOT of fun racing high performances drones in the alpha version tracks ! We will continue to update the alpha version with […]

DroneGP 15

FrozenPepper is very excited to announce the all new Drone GP 15  which will bring a whole new dimension to racing games ! Realistic physics, advanced avionics and totally new racing genre create a unique racing experience. In DroneGP you will grow as a racing drone pilot through various classes […]